Ken Mimura

photo of ken
Kenichiro Mimura is an artist born in Kobe city, Japan in October 1941. He is a resident and citizen of Canada.

Wings to the Sun

Ken's artistic interpretation of Nasca Lines found in Peru, using traditional animation methods with a pencil and brush. This animation was hand-drawn solely by Ken in his spare time between 1987 and present and includes tens of thousands of drawings.


Hand-drawn storyboard for the initial ideas about Wings to the Sun, circa 1987

Ken standing in his flowery and terraced front yard with his partner Lorraine
Ken and Lorraine at their house in BC


High School
Meisei high school in Osaka

Graphic Design
Tohyoh Art college in Tokyo

Oil Painting
Fine Art University of Musasino, Tokyo

Operatic Stage Design
The National Academy for Fine Art, Milan, Italy

Thesis on composing colored light show in 3D space
Turin, Italy.1967

photo of ken


  • 1967. Moved to Canada with permanent residence immigrant status.
  • Lived and worked 12 years in Toronto doing Graphic design & Film Animation
  • 1981. Returned to Vancouver, Canada.
  • 1987. Moved to Hollywood working at H&B Productions and Walt Disney for a feature animation production for 7 years
  • Moved back to Vancouver, worked as Art Director for 3D digital imagery at R&D Prod. )
  • Worked at CBC TV graphics.
  • Produced independent video show “Legends from the Pacific”.
  • Joined with R&D dept. at Univ. Osaka, 3D digital animation.
  • Produced a traditional film animation “Wings to the Sun” with the help of The National Film Board and Council for the Arts. This animation is presently in the process to enter international animation festivals.
Ken's backyard garden with many shrubs and a koi fish pond.
